Monday, June 29, 2009


Two Simple Techniques to Gain Fluency in English

1. Use Active Voice
Active Voice and Passive Voice are two ways to speak. Although both the methods are theoritically and grammatically correct, the use of active voice makes speech easy and effective. Avoid passive sentences in speeches as far as possible. According to a research conducted, it takes upto 25% more time to understand a passive sentence. It is also difficult to utter a passive sentence.
Examples: You did the cooking?(active voice)
The cooking was done by you(passive voice)

2 Use Direct Speech
Direct speech means those words of the speaker that are enclosed within inverted commas.
Examples: John said,"I have done my homework"
Indirect speech means that we do not use the actual words of the speaker.
Examples: John said that he had done his homework.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


English is the most important language of communication in the world. It is the most widely spoken language, cutting accross geographical barriers. Although Mandarin Chinese and Hindi is spoken by millions, it is essentially confined to select places, thus not compelling people from other nations to learn these languages. Although, many countries have tried a policy of systematic phasing out of english, by promoting their own language for their day to day official communication, the significance of english, as a language of interaction remains. Very few international business agreements take place without the use of english. With the advancement of science and technology, and with the exchange of more and more culture between nations, knowledge of english has become indispensible. It has managed to bring people of different culture, race and ethnic group closer. In some regions, knowledge of english is a matter of status and dignity in society. People conversing in english are considered sophisticated and advanced.

In english, there are many ways to say anything. Some ways are easy and some ways are difficult and confusing. According to a research conducted, it was revealed, that people by and large, prefered to speak and write english in simple and lucid style, rather that using technical or complicated vocabulary, which no one understood. When complicated words are used, especially in spoken form, the purpose is defeated, because the speaker fails to convey his thoughts and ideas to the listener effectively. The listener may not be as qualified as the speaker to understand the meaning of certain words. So the communication fails to produce the desired result. So the essence in gaining fluency in english or for that matter any language is to keep it simple.